Full Stack Software Development

6 Months

Full stack software development encompasses both front-end and back-end technologies, empowering you to create complete web applications. At our college, you can choose from various stacks, including the Python stack with frameworks like Flask or Django, paired with React.js for the front end and PostgreSQL for the database. Additionally, you can explore other stacks like MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) or LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). Each stack offers unique advantages: the Python stack is great for rapid development, while MERN excels in dynamic single-page applications. By mastering full stack development, you’ll gain the skills needed to manage the entire development process, enhancing your versatility and preparing you for a successful career in the tech industry.

Course Content

Front-End Development Skills:

  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with a focus on using React.js for building interactive user interfaces.

Back-End Development Skills:

  • Strong grasp of Python programming and frameworks like Django or Flask for robust web development.
  • Knowledge of database systems, particularly SQL with PostgreSQL for efficient data management.

Version Control Systems:

  • Familiarity with Git for tracking changes and collaborating on projects.

Soft Skills:

  • Strong problem-solving abilities and debugging skills.
  • Good communication and collaboration skills to work effectively in teams.

Python Programming

4 Months

Python programming provides a versatile skill set that is essential for both automation and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Starting with foundational skills like syntax, data types, and control structures, you’ll progress to advanced concepts such as object-oriented programming and file handling. Python’s extensive libraries, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn, facilitate the development of AI models for machine learning and deep learning. Additionally, automation tools like Selenium for web tasks and Beautiful Soup for web scraping can streamline data collection and preprocessing, crucial steps in AI projects. By mastering Python programming alongside automation and AI techniques, you’ll be well-prepared for a dynamic career in technology and data science.

Course Content:

  1. Basic Concepts

    • Fundamentals: Learn syntax, data types, control structures, and functions.

    Intermediate Concepts

    • Data Structures and Error Handling: Master advanced structures and implement robust error management.
    • OOP: Understand classes, inheritance, and modular programming.

    Advanced Concepts

    • Data Manipulation: Utilize Pandas and NumPy for cleaning and preprocessing data.
    • Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Build models with Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.
    • Automation: Use Selenium for automation and Beautiful Soup for web scraping.
    • Practical Applications: Work on projects and case studies to apply your skills.
    • Ethics and Best Practices: Explore AI ethics and version control with Git.
    • Career Readiness: Develop a portfolio for technology and data science roles.

Python/R/AI for Data Science

6 Months

Python/R/AI for Data Science” is a comprehensive course tailored for individuals aspiring to excel in data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) using either Python or R programming languages. Participants will harness Python’s simplicity and versatility or R’s robust statistical capabilities to explore data manipulation, visualization, and modeling techniques essential for effective data-driven decision-making. This course leverages Python’s extensive libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and TensorFlow, along with R’s ggplot2 and caret, empowering learners to tackle real-world data challenges and emerge as proficient data scientists equipped to leverage AI technologies effectively in diverse industry domains.


Course Content:

  1. Programming Languages (Python or R)

  2. Data Manipulation and Cleaning

  3. Statistical Analysis

  4. Data Visualization

  5. Machine Learning (Supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms)

  6. Deep Learning and Neural Networks (frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch)

  7. Big Data Technologies

  8. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  9. Model Evaluation and Validation (evaluating and validating machine learning models)

  10. Real-World Applications and Case Studies (working project)

  11. Ethics and Responsible AI:

  12. Tools and Technologies (Jupyter Notebooks, Git)

  13. Communication and Presentation Skills:

  14. Guide on Continuous Learning and Adaptation:

Cyber Security

4 Months

Cyber Security Fundamentals” is a comprehensive course designed for individuals aspiring to build expertise in securing digital systems and protecting against cyber threats. Participants will delve into foundational concepts and practical skills in cybersecurity, covering key topics using industry-standard tools and methodologies. This course equips students with essential knowledge in areas such as network security, cryptography, secure software development, ethical hacking, incident response, and compliance. Leveraging hands-on labs and real-world scenarios, learners will gain proficiency in cybersecurity practices and emerge prepared to address complex security challenges across various industries.

Course Content:

  1. Foundational Concepts

  2. Networking Fundamentals

  3. Operating System Security

  4. Cryptography

  5. Secure Software Development

  6. Cyber Defense Strategies

  7. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing

  8. Web Security

  9. Mobile and IoT Security

  10. Network Security Technologies

  11. Compliance and Regulatory Frameworks

  12. Cybersecurity Governance and Risk Management Cyber Ethics and Legal Issues

  13. Capstone Projects and Hands-on Labs (penetration tests)

  14. Professional Development and Certifications (CompTIA Security+, Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), CISSP) )

Web Development

4 Months

By completing our web design training program, participants will develop the skills and confidence to design and create modern, responsive websites. They will be equipped to pursue careers as web designers, UI/UX designers, or freelance web developers, capable of producing visually compelling and user-friendly web experiences.

Course Content:

  1. Front-End Development ( Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript)

  2. Back-End Development

  3. Version Control and Collaboration

  4. Authentication and Authorization

  5. Deployment and DevOps

  6. Security Best Practices

  7. Responsive Design and Accessibility

  8. Project-Based Learning (full-functional project)


6 Months

DevOps is a collaborative approach that integrates software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to enhance the efficiency of software delivery and improve overall performance. By fostering a culture of collaboration between development teams and operations staff, DevOps aims to streamline workflows, reduce development cycles, and ensure faster deployment of applications. Key practices include continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), which automate testing and deployment processes, allowing for quick feedback and rapid iteration. Additionally, DevOps emphasizes the use of monitoring and logging to improve system reliability and performance. This methodology not only accelerates time-to-market but also enhances the quality of software products, enabling organizations to respond more effectively to changing business needs and user demands.

Course Content:

  1. Introduction to DevOps
  2. Collaboration and Culture
  3. Continuous Integration (CI)
  4. Continuous Delivery (CD)
  5. Automation Tools and Practices
  6. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  7. Monitoring and Logging
  8. Security in DevOps
  9. Hands-On Projects
  10. Specialization Options

System Development

6 Months

System development is a fundamental discipline that involves designing, building, and deploying software systems to solve specific problems or meet organizational needs. System developers play a critical role in analyzing requirements, designing architectures, implementing solutions, and ensuring the reliability and scalability of software applications. This field encompasses various stages of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), including requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

Course Content:

  1. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

  2. Requirement Analysis and Specification

  3. System Design

  4. Programming and Implementation

  5. Database Design and Management

  6. Testing and Quality Assurance

  7. Deployment and DevOps

  8. Security and Compliance

  9. Software Maintenance and Evolution

Mobile App Development

5 Months

Mobile app development is a rapidly evolving field that involves creating software applications specifically designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile app developers are responsible for designing, developing, testing, and deploying mobile applications to provide engaging user experiences and solve real-world problems. This field encompasses both native app development (using platform-specific technologies) and cross-platform development (using frameworks that allow code sharing across multiple platforms).

Course Content:

  1. Fundamentals of Mobile Development

  2. Native Mobile App Development

  3. Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

  4. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design

  5. Data Management and Networking

  6. Mobile App Testing and Debugging

  7. App Deployment and Distribution

  8. Performance Optimization and Security

  9. Mobile App Monetization and Analytics

  10. Project (Working Mobile Application)

Artificial Intelligence

6 Months

In six months, a focused study of the Internet of Things (IoT) provides students with essential skills in building, connecting, and managing IoT devices and systems. The curriculum covers foundational topics such as sensors, connectivity protocols, and data processing, along with hands-on experience in programming microcontrollers and working with cloud platforms. Students will learn to develop IoT applications that integrate hardware and software to collect and analyze data. Specializations include areas such as smart home technology, industrial IoT, health monitoring systems, and data analytics, enabling students to tailor their education to specific industries and career paths within the IoT landscape.

Course Content:

  1. Introduction to AI and Machine Learning
  2. Data Handling
  3. Machine Learning Algorithms
  4. Deep Learning
  5. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  6. Computer Vision
  7. Reinforcement Learning
  8. AI Ethics
  9. Hands-On Projects
  10. Specialization Options

Database Development and Management

3 Months

Database management and development are essential aspects of modern software engineering and information systems. Database systems are used to store, organize, and manage large volumes of structured data efficiently. Database developers play a critical role in designing, implementing, and maintaining databases to support applications and business operations effectively. This field encompasses relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server) and non-relational databases (NoSQL) like MongoDB, Redis, and Cassandra.

Course Content:

  1. Introduction to Database Systems

  2. Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)

  3. Relational Database Development

  4. Non-Relational (NoSQL) Databases

  5. Database Administration

  6. Database Connectivity

  7. Data Modeling and Optimization

  8. Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence (BI)

  9. Fully Functional and Secure Database 

Graphic Design

2 Months

Graphic design is a creative discipline that involves visual communication and the use of typography, imagery, and layout to convey messages or evoke emotions. In today’s digital age, graphic designers utilize specialized software tools to create compelling visuals for various purposes, including marketing materials, branding, publications, and digital content. This course focuses on developing foundational skills in graphic design using Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, and Canva, which are popular tools in the industry

Course Content:

  1. Introduction to Graphic Design

  2. Microsoft Publisher

  3. Adobe Photoshop

  4. Canva

  5. Typography and Color Theory

  6. Layout and Composition

  7. Print vs. Digital Design

  8. Project-Based Learning

Computer and Printer Repair

2 Months

Computer and printer repair is a specialized field focused on diagnosing, troubleshooting, and fixing hardware and software issues in computing devices and printers. As technology continues to evolve, skilled technicians are needed to maintain and repair computers and printers to ensure optimal performance and reliability. This course provides hands-on training in diagnosing and resolving common computer and printer problems, equipping participants with the skills needed for entry-level positions in IT support or repair services.

Course Content:

  1. Computer Hardware Fundamentals

  2. Computer Software and Operating Systems

  3. Printer Technology and Maintenance

  4. Diagnosis and Troubleshooting

  5. Hardware Repair and Upgrades

  6. Data Backup and Recovery

  7. Preventive Maintenance

  8. Customer Service and Professionalism

Basic Computer Skills

2 and Half Months

Basic computer skills encompass proficiency in using fundamental software packages that are commonly used across various industries and workplaces. Mastering these essential tools is essential for efficient communication, data management, productivity, and collaboration. This course focuses on providing hands-on training in 10 key software packages that are foundational for computer users in today’s digital age.

Course Content:

  1. Introductory Computers
  2. Computer System
  3. Operating Systems
  4. Microsoft Word:

  5. Microsoft Excel:

  6. Microsoft PowerPoint

  7. Microsoft Publisher
  8. Microsoft Access
  9. Networking and Emerging trends
  10. Internet and Emailing

Advanced Computer Skills

3 Months

Advanced computer skills go beyond basic proficiency and encompass a deeper understanding and mastery of specialized software tools and technologies. Acquiring advanced computer skills allows individuals to tackle complex tasks, leverage advanced features, and innovate in various domains such as data analysis, graphic design, and project management. This course is designed to expand participants’ knowledge and expertise in advanced software applications, preparing them for specialized roles and advanced projects.

Course Content:

  1. Advanced document formatting and automation
  2. Advanced data analysis techniques (e.g., pivot tables, complex formulas)
  3. Dynamic presentation design with custom animations
  4. Sophisticated layout design for marketing materials
  5. Advanced graphic design principles and techniques
  6. Relational database management and complex queries
  7. Networking concepts including subnetting and routing protocols
  8. Emerging trends in networking technologies
  9. Advanced web technologies and internet protocols
  10. Operating system administration and troubleshooting

IC3 Computer Course

1 Months

The IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification) course is designed to provide comprehensive computer literacy and essential digital skills training over one month. This course covers fundamental concepts in computer hardware, software applications, internet usage, and key computing skills necessary for everyday tasks and professional development.

Course Content:

  1. Computer Fundamentals

  2. Key Applications:

    • Introduction to Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) for document creation, spreadsheets, and presentations.
    • Exploring email communication using Outlook or web-based email services.
  3. Internet Basics

  4. Digital Citizenship and Ethics

  5. Essential Skills: