
3 Months for basic performance skills – 3 years for diploma

Our music courses offer focused and intensive training in various aspects of music theory, performance, composition, and technology, culminating in certification from ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music). These courses are designed to provide valuable learning opportunities within a shorter timeframe, allowing participants to enhance their musical skills and earn recognized certification from a prestigious organization.

Course Content:

Strictly Follow ABSRM Curriculum

ABRSM stands for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. It is an organization based in the UK that provides music education and sets internationally recognized standards for music examinations for certification. ABRSM offers graded music exams in various musical instruments, music theory, and singing.

We train on the following instruments:

  1. Piano
  2. Guitar
  3. Violin
  4. Harmonica
  5. Saxophone

Voice Vocals

Our voice coaching program is designed to enhance vocal performance, technique, and artistry for individuals interested in developing their singing voice or spoken communication skills. Whether you’re a beginner looking to build a strong vocal foundation or an experienced vocalist seeking to refine your technique, our voice coaching sessions offer personalized instruction and guidance tailored to your unique voice and goals.